Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Garden part three!

These are my beautiful black hollyhocks. That is one happy bee!

Here are half of our carrots. We planted Purple Haze and small orange ones this year. Sam made the marker!

My clematis is very happy. It got cut back early on, then again after that late freeze. Will do that again!

I keep forgetting to photo the incredibly happy grape vine! I will try to remember tomorrow. Going to be tons of jelly and juice this year!

More garden...

Here are the sweet potatoes. There are nine plants.

Here are the canning tomatoes. There are tons in there!

And the zukes. Can you see them in there?

My pretty eggplant! I can't wait to grill these!

Happy cukes! We have already gotten two about 12 inches long, with a diameter of maybe 3 inches? These are still babies at maybe 9 inches long?!

My Garden

The pics of my salad last night were awful. I can tell you tho, it was delish! Pretty simple really- mixed greens, avocado, bacon, cheese, egg, ranch, tomatoes, red onion, and those croutons. Good stuff...

I took some pics of the garden last night for everyone. Here they are! I will have to do this in two posts.
This is the cantaloupe plant. if you look closely you can see the little melon in there!
This is the butternut. there are several in this picture.
This is the onion patch. It got quite beaten by the wind! See the volunteer tomato?
Here are the three jalapenos plants. Almost time for stuffed "mice"!
And this is the funky artichoke. You can't see, but it's covered in little red ants...